From Production to Leading Luxury Design Firm


Note: creative for illustrative purposes only, actual assets unavailable.  Image shown from Canada Post, by Cossette Vancouver for Telus Communications.

When I joined Matter Of Form (MOF) in 2014 my brief was simple: to turn an increasingly commoditised digital production unit into a service offering capable of participating in six figure pitches; commanding higher day rates; and expanding into more areas of its clients’ business.

Throughout the next 3 years I worked with the CEO and COO to reposition the agency around its unrealised ethos of exquisite design; helping to sharpen the company’s proposition and new business focus around the brand promise of ‘Exceptional Craftsmanship’: a philosophy and set of values that guided everything from internal hiring practices and codes of conduct to sales, marketing, lead generation and pitch selection.

During this time, I also assisted in numerous procedural and structural changes to the business. Helping to establish a non-executive board and senior management team, which subsequently allowed the organisation to set and implement a long-term growth strategy for the first time in its history.

Finally, as part of my role on the board and senior management team, I led the successful development and launch of three new service offerings, and in doing so concieved of a process and framework for new in-house capability development, which I am now turning into one of the first published business management books of its kind.

Matter Of Form are now one of London’s leading agencies for luxury UX, design, content and development. Their average project size has increased from circa £30k to over £300,000, and their revenue composition is now more equally balanced across a number of different high growth areas, not just digital production.



Planning & Strategy Work