When the Global CMO of Microsoft briefed us to develop a compete campaign against Google in 2014, we knew we had to be smart. UK attitudes towards comparative advertising sit in stark contrast to that of North America, and British law prohibits any named activity against a competitor—unless such comparisons highlight proven, indisputable facts.
The resulting strategy tapped into two core insights: firstly, that unlike Gmail, Microsoft’s Outlook does not read through your email in order to sell advertising; and secondly, that recent revelations around PRISM and privacy had left the British public wary of any brand that appeared to intrude too much on their personal lives—in particular their private messages and email.
Our campaign, titled ‘The campaign Google couldn’t eadRay’, used Pig Latin—the popular analogue encryption tool employed by many children—to fool the Gmail advertising algorithm and deliver an intelligent, hard hitting message that overcame both legal and cultural sensitivities.
The work ran across TV, print, digital and social - recruiting over a million new Outlook cubscribers and winning a Gold UK DMA.
It was also shortlisted for both a Cannes Lions and Campaign Big Award.
Agency: Wunderman (WPP Network) | Work: Live Project