Game Life

PlayStation is for real gamers.
Not those who dabble every now and then with their friends and family but those who take it seriously. The types of people who don’t just game in the virtual world, but in the real world too.
Because gaming isn’t just a pastime. It’s a mindset. A way of being. A way of life.
To tap into this, and drive loyalty amongst PlayStation owners whilst a new generation of consoles was being launched, we created a rewards programme that bridged the gap between the online and the offline. Enabling members to get ahead IRL by thinking and behaving the way they do in games.
For example: using cheat codes to cut to the front of the pizza line; winning relevant real-world experiences based on their in-game performance and achievements (like paintballing for COD and track days for Gran Turismo); teaming up with others MMO-style to buy exclusive limited edition items and drops at discounted prices; and sending real-world pranks, gifts and surprises to players’ doors using emoticons within the P2P messaging functionality.
Game life. Game games. Game your career. Game with that fella you met on COD at 4am last November. Game the fast-food delivery. Game the Champions League. Game that album. Game that festival no-one can get tickets for. Game the free weights. Game your diet. Game that protein powder your best mate told you was delicious. Game your shoes. Game your socks. Game a nice shirt and restaurant for that date you met on Tinder. Game previews of the new Star Wars movie. Game another afterwards at home to offset the disappointment. Game big AAA brands. Game indie ones. Game stuff you’ve never heard of. Game on your own. Game with friends. Game with whoever’ll help you.
Just Game Life.
Agency: Cherry London | Work: Live Project | Main Image: Jens Kreuter (Unsplash)